Spelling words: grand, drum, tree, drove, grin, truck, drip, trip, drive, gray,
haul, maul, fault, haunt, aunt, launch, gaunt, flaunt, author, and saucer.
Vocabulary for Sequoyah: interpreter, syllables, character, silversmith, tradition, missionary, communicate, constitution, culture, trader.
Squanto Vocabulary: native, generous, treaty, feast, pilgrim
Reading: Sequoyah group: read pages 103-110,
Squanto group read pages 5,6 and 7.
Spelling: Complete alphabetical order paper for all 20 words and challenge words.
Math study: Addition facts for 10's ( 10+10, 10+9, 10+8, 10+7, 10+6, 10+ 5, 10+4, 10+3, 10+2, 10+1 and 10+0) and sutraction facts for 1s ( 10-1, 9-1, 8-1, 7-1, 6-1, 5-1, 4-1, 3-1, 2-1, 1-1, 1-0) .