Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, January 31,2012

No vocabulary or math facts this week.

Spelling words: it's ( it is), isn't ( is not), you're ( you are), we're ( we are) , I'm ( I am), he's ( he is), 
     didn't ( did not), you'll ( you will), she'll (she will), that's ( that is), I've ( I have), don't ( do not), 
        they've ( they have), wasn't (was not), let's ( let us), we've ( we have).


Reading: Read AR book for test .

Spelling: Study contractions words complete practice paper.

Math : complete adding two digit number with carrying , pages 179-180.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Homework for Monday, January 30,2012

No vocabulary or math facts this week.

Spelling words: it's ( it is), isn't ( is not), you're ( you are), we're ( we are) , I'm ( I am), he's ( he is),
     didn't ( did not), you'll ( you will), she'll (she will), that's ( that is), I've ( I have), don't ( do not),
        they've ( they have), wasn't (was not), let's ( let us), we've ( we have).


Reading: Read AR book for test .

Spelling: Study contractions words complete study sheet for review of short vowels.

Math : complete adding two digit numbers with carrying, pages 177-178.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Homework for Monday, January 23,2012

Spelling words: Core words:  shy, right, wide, light, pine, fight, fly, night, dry, sight
                         OW words: how, owl, cow, down, howl, town, growl, crowd, scowl, clown

Challenge words: brow, fowl, rowdy

Reading Story: The Story of the Threee Whales

vocabulary words:


Spelling : complete pages 62, circle nouns, put a rectangle around the verbs, and star the rhyming words. Do not write sentences today.

Reading finish looking up definations and study meanings. Group three complete workbook pages.

Study Math facts: 16-6, 15-6, 14-6, 13-6

Friday, January 20, 2012

Homework for Friday, January 20,2012

Read an AR book , take an individual AR test by next Friday, January 27.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homework for Thursday, January 19,2012

No vocabulary  this week.

Spelling words:  January, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, coat, hat, mittens, snowflakes, Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.,  Sat.


Spelling : Study and words .

Math: Study subtraction Math facts 12-5, 11-5, 10-5, 9-5, 8-5, 7-5, 6-5, 5-5

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, January 18,2012

No vocabulary  this week.

Spelling words:  January, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, coat, hat, mittens, snowflakes, Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.,  Sat.


Spelling : Study and write words in rainbow writing style.

Math: Study subtraction Math facts 12-5, 11-5, 10-5, 9-5, 8-5, 7-5, 6-5, 5-5

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, January 17,2012

No vocabulary  this week.

Spelling words:  January, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, coat, hat, mittens, snowflakes, Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.,  Sat.


Spelling : Study and Write words in Alphabetical order in Assignment book.

Math: Study subtraction Math facts 12-5, 11-5, 10-5, 9-5, 8-5

Friday, January 13, 2012

Homework January 13-17,2012

Read  Scholastic Mag. about Martin Luther King. Complete comprehension question paper.

No School on Monday .

If you plan on attending the parade the Trolly will be leaving at  9:30 AM .

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homework January 12,2012

Story: The Paper Crane

Vocabulary words: serve, guest, stranger, manner, overjoyed

Spelling words: deep, meal, sheep, each, wheel, treat, bean, seen, team, dream, out, ouch, loud, cloud, mouth, found, proud, shout, sprout, ground

Challenge words ( optional): trout, wound, mountain


Reading: Study vocabulary.

Spelling: Rainbow write  and study words and sentence.

Math: Study subtraction 4s: 12-4, 11-4, 10-4, 9-4, 8-4, 7-4, 6-4, 5-4, 4-4

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Homework January 11,2012

Story: The Paper Crane

Vocabulary words: serve, guest, stranger, manner, overjoyed

Spelling words: deep, meal, sheep, each, wheel, treat, bean, seen, team, dream, out, ouch, loud, cloud, mouth, found, proud, shout, sprout, ground

Challenge words ( optional): trout, wound, mountain


Reading: Read pages150-153.

Spelling: Complete meaning and rhyming strategies paper.

Math: Study subtraction 4s: 12-4, 11-4, 10-4, 9-4, 8-4, 7-4, 6-4, 5-4, 4-4

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Homework January 10,2012

Story: The Paper Crane

Vocabulary words: serve, guest, stranger, manner, overjoyed

Spelling words: deep, meal, sheep, each, wheel, treat, bean, seen, team, dream, out, ouch, loud, cloud, mouth, found, proud, shout, sprout, ground

Challenge words ( optional): trout, wound, mountain


Reading: Read pages144-149.

Spelling: Write a sentence for the core words.

Math: Study subtraction 4s: 12-4, 11-4, 10-4, 9-4, 8-4, 7-4, 6-4, 5-4

Monday, January 9, 2012

Homework January 9,2012

Story: The Paper Crane

Vocabulary words: serve, guest, stranger, manner, overjoyed

Spelling words: deep, meal, sheep, each, wheel, treat, bean, seen, team, dream, out, ouch, loud, cloud, mouth, found, proud, shout, sprout, ground

Challenge words ( optional): trout, wound, mountain


Reading: complete meanings and study.

Spelling: Complete page 58,.Next, circle nouns, put a rectangle around vebs, star rhyming words, circle consonant blend in all 20 words.

Math: Study subtraction 4s: 12-4, 11-4, 10-4, 9-4