Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, April 3,2012

Spelling words will come from  the most frequently misspelled word lists study sheet.

No vocabulary, math facts
Scholastic News magazines will be used for  reading assignments this week.

Reading : reread and complete Scholastic News Magazine " World of Water."

Spelling: Begin studying A and B and C word lists from study sheet of most frequently spelled words.

Math : Complete sheet counting from 200 to 300 and 300 to 400  in order.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Homework for Monday, April 2,2012

Spelling words will come from  the most frequently misspelled word lists study sheet.

No vocabulary, math facts
Scholastic News magazines will be used for  reading assignments this week.

Reading : reread and complete Scholastic News Magazine " April Fools Insects"

Spelling: Begin studying A and B word lists from study sheet of most frequently spelled words.

Math : Complete sheet counting from 100 to 200   in order.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Homework for Thursday, March 29,2012

Spelling words: bird, more, shirt, horse, first, for, girl, horn, dirt, short, song, ping, rung, wring, fang, flung, wrung, wrong, slang, and sprung.

Challenge words: fungus, shingle, ping-pong

Dictation sentence: It was wrong to sing the song with slang in the class.

Vocabulary words for " Giants and Dragon": fell, leaping, puffing, avalanche and cried.


Reading: Finish looking up definations and study vocabulary words.

Spelling : Study words and complete rainbow writing paper for dictation sentence.

Math: Study multiplication facts for 0s and 1s.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, March 28,2012

Spelling words: bird, more, shirt, horse, first, for, girl, horn, dirt, short, song, ping, rung, wring, fang, flung, wrung, wrong, slang, and sprung.

Challenge words: fungus, shingle, ping-pong

Dictation sentence: It was wrong to sing the song with slang in the class.

Vocabulary words for " Giants and Dragon": fell, leaping, puffing, avalanche and cried.


Reading: Complete Language arts paper and  study vocabulary words.

Spelling : Rainbow write words.

Math: Study multiplication facts for 0s and 1s.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, March 27,2012

Spelling words: bird, more, shirt, horse, first, for, girl, horn, dirt, short, song, ping, rung, wring, fang, flung, wrung, wrong, slang, and sprung.

Challenge words: fungus, shingle, ping-pong

Dictation sentence: It was wrong to sing the song with slang in the class.

Vocabulary words for " Giants and Dragon": fell, leaping, puffing, avalanche and cried.


Reading: Study vocabulary.

Spelling :  Write sentences for core words.

Math: Study multiplication facts for 0s and 1s.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Homework for Monday, March 26,2012

Spelling words: bird, more, shirt, horse, first, for, girl, horn, dirt, short, song, ping, rung, wring, fang, flung, wrung, wrong, slang, and sprung.

Challenge words: fungus, shingle, ping-pong

Dictation sentence: It was wrong to sing the song with slang in the class.

Vocabulary words for " Giants and Dragon": fell, leaping, puffing, avalanche and cried.


Reading: Finish looking up definations and study vocabulary words.

Spelling : Complete spelling study sheet. Do not write sentences.

Math: Study multiplication facts for 0s and 1s.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Homework for Friday, March 9,2012

Students who must complete AR books for 3rd quarter must read and take a test by Friday March 16, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Homework for Thursday, March 8,2012

Spelling words: art, yard, barn, park, hard, cart, dark, farm, shark, sharp, song, bong, gong, long, tongs, prong, thongs, wrong, strong, throng.

Dictation sentencs: A throng listened to the long song that ended with a bong of the gong.

Challenge words: tongue, belong, belongings

Reading Story: Molly the brave and ME



Reading: Study vocabulary meanings.

Spelling:  Write sentence & challenge words in Rainbow writing style.Study all words.

Math: Study subtraction 9s: 18-9, 17-9, 16-9, 15-9, 14-9,13-9,12-9,11-9, 10-9, 9-9 , use practice she

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, March 7,2012

Spelling words: art, yard, barn, park, hard, cart, dark, farm, shark, sharp, song, bong, gong, long, tongs, prong, thongs, wrong, strong, throng.

Dictation sentencs: A throng listened to the long song that ended with a bong of the gong.

Challenge words: tongue, belong, belongings

Reading Story: Molly the brave and ME



Reading: Read pages 137-143

Spelling:  Write words in Rainbow writing style..

Math: Study subtraction 9s: 18-9, 17-9, 16-9, 15-9, 14-9,13-9,12-9,11-9, 10-9, 9-9 , use practice sheet.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, March 6,2012

Spelling words: art, yard, barn, park, hard, cart, dark, farm, shark, sharp, song, bong, gong, long, tongs, prong, thongs, wrong, strong, throng.

Dictation sentencs: A throng listened to the long song that ended with a bong of the gong.

Challenge words: tongue, belong, belongings

Reading Story: Molly the brave and ME



Reading: Read pages 128-136

Spelling:  Write sentences for core words only.

Math: Study subtraction 9s: 18-9, 17-9, 16-9, 15-9, 14-9,13-9,12-9,11-9,

Monday, March 5, 2012

Homework for Monday, March 5,2012

Spelling words: art, yard, barn, park, hard, cart, dark, farm, shark, sharp, song, bong, gong, long, tongs, prong, thongs, wrong, strong, throng.

Dictation sentencs: A throng listened to the long song that ended with a bong of the gong.

Challenge words: tongue, belong, belongings

Reading Story: Molly the brave and ME



Reading: complete and study vocabulary meanings.

Spelling: complete study sheet( do not write sentences)

Math: Study subtraction 9s: 18-9, 17-9, 16-9, 15-9

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, March 7,2012

Spelling words: art, yard, barn, park, hard, cart, dark, farm, shark, sharp, song, bong, gong, long, tongs, prong, thongs, wrong, strong, throng.

Dictation sentencs: A throng listened to the long song that ended with a bong of the gong.

Challenge words: tongue, belong, belongings

Reading Story: Molly the brave and ME



Reading: Read pages 137-143

Spelling:  Write words in Rainbow writing style..

Math: Study subtraction 9s: 18-9, 17-9, 16-9, 15-9, 14-9,13-9,12-9,11-9, 10-9, 9-9 , use practice sheet.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Homework for Friday, March 2,2012

Complete Dr. Seuss Scholastic magazine papers.

Homework for Thursday, March 1,2012

Spelling words:  bath, peach, tooth, thin, choke, much, with, chick, teach, thank, sung, hung, lungs, rung, stung, swung, slung, wrung, strung, sprung

Challenge words: clung, hunger and dungaree

Dictation sentence: We hung our wet coats on the rung after we wrung them out.

No vocabulary this week.


Spelling : Complete rainbow writing for words and dictation sentence.

Reading: Complete comprehension questions for Scholastic News  magazine..

Math : Study 8 subtraction facts; 18-8, 17-8, 16-8, 15-8, 14-8, 13-8, 12-8, 11-8, 10-8, 9-8, 8-8

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, February 29,2012

Spelling words:  bath, peach, tooth, thin, choke, much, with, chick, teach, thank, sung, hung, lungs, rung, stung, swung, slung, wrung, strung, sprung

Challenge words: clung, hunger and dungaree

Dictation sentence: We hung our wet coats on the rung after we wrung them out.

No vocabulary this week.


Spelling : Complete rainbow writing for words.

Reading: Complete comprehension questions for Scholastic News  magazine..

Math : Study 8 subtraction facts; 18-8, 17-8, 16-8, 15-8, 14-8, 13-8, 12-8, 11-8, 10-8, 9-8, 8-8

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spelling words:  bath, peach, tooth, thin, choke, much, with, chick, teach, thank, sung, hung, lungs, rung, stung, swung, slung, wrung, strung, sprung

Challenge words: clung, hunger and dungaree

Dictation sentence: We hung our wet coats on the rung after we wrung them out.

No vocabulary this week.


Spelling : Write sentences for core words.

Reading: Complete comprehension questions for Scholastic News magazine.

Math : Study 8 subtraction facts; 18-8, 17-8, 16-8, 15-8, 14-8, 13-8, 12-8, 11-8

Monday, February 27, 2012

Homework for Monday, February 27,2012

Spelling words:  bath, peach, tooth, thin, choke, much, with, chick, teach, thank, sung, hung, lungs, rung, stung, swung, slung, wrung, strung, sprung

Challenge words: clung, hunger and dungaree

Dictation sentence: We hung our wet coats on the rung after we wrung them out.

No vocabulary this week.


Spelling : Complete study sheet, circle nouns, put a rectangle around the verbs, and cicle the consonant blends . No not write sentences for core words.

Reading: Complete comprehension questions for " Famous Black Americans" booklet.

Math : Study 8 subtraction facts; 18-8, 17-8, 16-8, 15-8, 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homework for Thursday, February 9,2012

Spelling words: February,  Ground Hog's Day,  Presidents' Day, Valentine's Day, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, love, valentines, Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.,

Reading Story : Fossils Tell of Long Ago

Vocabulary: extinct, preserved, seeps, peat, mamoth


Reading:  complete take home test.

Spelling: Rainbow write and study words.

Math Study subtraction 6s: 16-6, 15-6, 14-6, 13-6, 12-6, 11-6, 10-6, 9-6, 8-6, 7-6, 6-6

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

homework for Wednesday, February 8,2012

Spelling words: February,  Ground Hog's Day,  Presidents' Day, Valentine's Day, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, love, valentines, Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.,

Reading Story : Fossils Tell of Long Ago

Vocabulary: extinct, preserved, seeps, peat, mamoth


Reading:  complete worksheet on adjectives.

Spelling: study words.

Math Study subtraction 6s: 16-6, 15-6, 14-6, 13-6, 12-6, 11-6, 10-6, 9-6, 8-6, 7-6, 6-6

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, February 7,2012

Spelling words: February,  Ground Hog's Day,  Presidents' Day, Valentine's Day, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, love, valentines, Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.,

Reading Story : Fossils Tell of Long Ago

Vocabulary: extinct, preserved, seeps, peat, mamoth


Reading:  read pages 21-28.

Spelling: study words.

Math Study subtraction 6s: 16-6, 15-6, 14-6, 13-6, 12-6, 11-6, 10-6, 9-6

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Homework for Thursday, February 2,2012

No vocabulary or math facts this week.

Spelling words: it's ( it is), isn't ( is not), you're ( you are), we're ( we are) , I'm ( I am), he's ( he is), 
     didn't ( did not), you'll ( you will), she'll (she will), that's ( that is), I've ( I have), don't ( do not), 
        they've ( they have), wasn't (was not), let's ( let us), we've ( we have).


Reading: Read AR book for test .

Spelling: Study contractions words complete practice paper.

Math : Complete subtracting two digit number without brorrowing , pages 195-196.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, February 1,2012

No vocabulary or math facts this week.

Spelling words: it's ( it is), isn't ( is not), you're ( you are), we're ( we are) , I'm ( I am), he's ( he is), 
     didn't ( did not), you'll ( you will), she'll (she will), that's ( that is), I've ( I have), don't ( do not), 
        they've ( they have), wasn't (was not), let's ( let us), we've ( we have).


Reading: Read AR book for test .

Spelling: Study contractions words and complete practice paper. 

Math : complete adding two digit number word problems with carrying , pages 183-184.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, January 31,2012

No vocabulary or math facts this week.

Spelling words: it's ( it is), isn't ( is not), you're ( you are), we're ( we are) , I'm ( I am), he's ( he is), 
     didn't ( did not), you'll ( you will), she'll (she will), that's ( that is), I've ( I have), don't ( do not), 
        they've ( they have), wasn't (was not), let's ( let us), we've ( we have).


Reading: Read AR book for test .

Spelling: Study contractions words complete practice paper.

Math : complete adding two digit number with carrying , pages 179-180.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Homework for Monday, January 30,2012

No vocabulary or math facts this week.

Spelling words: it's ( it is), isn't ( is not), you're ( you are), we're ( we are) , I'm ( I am), he's ( he is),
     didn't ( did not), you'll ( you will), she'll (she will), that's ( that is), I've ( I have), don't ( do not),
        they've ( they have), wasn't (was not), let's ( let us), we've ( we have).


Reading: Read AR book for test .

Spelling: Study contractions words complete study sheet for review of short vowels.

Math : complete adding two digit numbers with carrying, pages 177-178.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Homework for Monday, January 23,2012

Spelling words: Core words:  shy, right, wide, light, pine, fight, fly, night, dry, sight
                         OW words: how, owl, cow, down, howl, town, growl, crowd, scowl, clown

Challenge words: brow, fowl, rowdy

Reading Story: The Story of the Threee Whales

vocabulary words:


Spelling : complete pages 62, circle nouns, put a rectangle around the verbs, and star the rhyming words. Do not write sentences today.

Reading finish looking up definations and study meanings. Group three complete workbook pages.

Study Math facts: 16-6, 15-6, 14-6, 13-6

Friday, January 20, 2012

Homework for Friday, January 20,2012

Read an AR book , take an individual AR test by next Friday, January 27.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homework for Thursday, January 19,2012

No vocabulary  this week.

Spelling words:  January, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, coat, hat, mittens, snowflakes, Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.,  Sat.


Spelling : Study and words .

Math: Study subtraction Math facts 12-5, 11-5, 10-5, 9-5, 8-5, 7-5, 6-5, 5-5

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, January 18,2012

No vocabulary  this week.

Spelling words:  January, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, coat, hat, mittens, snowflakes, Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.,  Sat.


Spelling : Study and write words in rainbow writing style.

Math: Study subtraction Math facts 12-5, 11-5, 10-5, 9-5, 8-5, 7-5, 6-5, 5-5

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, January 17,2012

No vocabulary  this week.

Spelling words:  January, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, coat, hat, mittens, snowflakes, Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.,  Sat.


Spelling : Study and Write words in Alphabetical order in Assignment book.

Math: Study subtraction Math facts 12-5, 11-5, 10-5, 9-5, 8-5

Friday, January 13, 2012

Homework January 13-17,2012

Read  Scholastic Mag. about Martin Luther King. Complete comprehension question paper.

No School on Monday .

If you plan on attending the parade the Trolly will be leaving at  9:30 AM .

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homework January 12,2012

Story: The Paper Crane

Vocabulary words: serve, guest, stranger, manner, overjoyed

Spelling words: deep, meal, sheep, each, wheel, treat, bean, seen, team, dream, out, ouch, loud, cloud, mouth, found, proud, shout, sprout, ground

Challenge words ( optional): trout, wound, mountain


Reading: Study vocabulary.

Spelling: Rainbow write  and study words and sentence.

Math: Study subtraction 4s: 12-4, 11-4, 10-4, 9-4, 8-4, 7-4, 6-4, 5-4, 4-4

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Homework January 11,2012

Story: The Paper Crane

Vocabulary words: serve, guest, stranger, manner, overjoyed

Spelling words: deep, meal, sheep, each, wheel, treat, bean, seen, team, dream, out, ouch, loud, cloud, mouth, found, proud, shout, sprout, ground

Challenge words ( optional): trout, wound, mountain


Reading: Read pages150-153.

Spelling: Complete meaning and rhyming strategies paper.

Math: Study subtraction 4s: 12-4, 11-4, 10-4, 9-4, 8-4, 7-4, 6-4, 5-4, 4-4

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Homework January 10,2012

Story: The Paper Crane

Vocabulary words: serve, guest, stranger, manner, overjoyed

Spelling words: deep, meal, sheep, each, wheel, treat, bean, seen, team, dream, out, ouch, loud, cloud, mouth, found, proud, shout, sprout, ground

Challenge words ( optional): trout, wound, mountain


Reading: Read pages144-149.

Spelling: Write a sentence for the core words.

Math: Study subtraction 4s: 12-4, 11-4, 10-4, 9-4, 8-4, 7-4, 6-4, 5-4

Monday, January 9, 2012

Homework January 9,2012

Story: The Paper Crane

Vocabulary words: serve, guest, stranger, manner, overjoyed

Spelling words: deep, meal, sheep, each, wheel, treat, bean, seen, team, dream, out, ouch, loud, cloud, mouth, found, proud, shout, sprout, ground

Challenge words ( optional): trout, wound, mountain


Reading: complete meanings and study.

Spelling: Complete page 58,.Next, circle nouns, put a rectangle around vebs, star rhyming words, circle consonant blend in all 20 words.

Math: Study subtraction 4s: 12-4, 11-4, 10-4, 9-4